Beta Omega Activities



September 28, 2002:  We held an Initiation Ceremony, meeting, and fellowship at the Homewood Police Department Training Center.  Two initiates were present, two others joined but were unable to attend the ceremony.  A second vice president, secretary, and co-treasurers were chosen.  UnaKing Currier and Linda Madinger provided refreshments.  We discussed having additional meetings, but currently have set only four dates for future meetings.  Others may be added later.


The Beta Omega membership information list is being upgraded by President Linda Madinger and Second Vice President Shirley Skinner.


UnaKing Currier, our Advisor and National President (2000 - 2002) attended the National Convention in San Antonio, Texas, on October 10 - 13, 2002.  A report will be given at our next meeting in December.


Beta Omega members created and printed the following materials for the National Convention, 2002:  main program, awards banquet program, certificates for officers and participants, labels for folders.


Beta Omega has launched a membership and service drive in our efforts to become the largest, most active chapter of Kappa Delta Epsilon! Our efforts include the following:

1.  Creation of a newsletter to be mailed to members at least four times annually.
2.  Creation of a "contact tree" to keep in closer contact between meetings.
3.  Creation of business cards for officers to be distributed to members.
4.  Greater effort by officers to call members before meetings, in addition to sending reminders/invitations.
5.  Solicitation of ideas and suggestions via the newsletter, especially for more services in which we may become involved.
6.  Creation of this website to be linked by the National website.
7.  Articles by members are being requested for the newsletter to include interesting experiences, recommended workshops, etc.


Beta Omega's current service project is Toys for T.O.T.S.  Past services have included such things as tutorials for students needing extra help and aid for abused mothers/children.