December 7, 2002   9:30 A.M.

Christmas Brunch at the Woodlands Restaurant, Sheraton, at 280/I-459.  Bring Toys for T.O.T.S.  UnaKing Currier will give a report on the National Convention held October 11 - 13, 2002, in San Antonio, Texas.  In addition, we will all enjoy good fraternal fellowship and good food!



Exact times and places for the following will be provided in a reminder approximately three weeks before each meeting.  Feel free to bring guests who are interested in our fraternity.



February 1, 2003

Program:  Narrative Writing by Rosalay Hillary



May 3, 2003

Program:  Brain Based Strategies by Jimmy Currier



August 2, 2003

Program:  Math by Tammie Fant